Here is a dozen made dirty by muslim honor. Try to behold this travisity as cultural sensativity, if you can, I hope it drags you to hell. This is my only exception on immigration, we need to rescue the women and children from this dark world, leave the men for the company of their fellow jackals.
Radio Free Dar al Harb is husband to a 9-11 survivor, son to a Khobar Towers survivor, and a determined patriot.
This marks my humble entry into this front of the war. 1400 years of Islamist expansion has won land, loot, and slaves, yet this does nothing to slate their thirst for divinely sanctioned global submission to Islam. Unable to continue via conventional forces, Islamists seek submission through alternative means, principal among them is multi-media, especially the internet. Seeking to convince us to collapse upon ourselves, they are wielding an unrelenting barrage of propaganda, lawsuits, and intimidation. To date, they have succeeded. Radio Free Dar al Harb, is my humble attempt at resisting this juggernaut. I know there are others of you out there, and it is my hope to lighten the load a little and provide useful information and a some situational awareness to better enable you in your struggles to defend this grand experiment in Freedom.
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