Pat Dollard got the scoop.
The Left displays its commitment to peace, tolerance, and acceptance by defiling crosses. This technically meets the US Hate Crimes statutes.
“Apparently to the College Democrats, making fun of Christianity, and specifically a memorial to aborted unborn children is humor. To me, it is flagrant, disrespectful and downright disgusting. The fact that these crosses remained displayed in the College Democrats’ office for over 24 hours just adds to the sheer lack of respect they have for Christians on campus.”
- College Republican source, identity withheld for his protection pending investigation
This is a Pat Dollard.com exclusive.
Back in October, The Washington Times reported on allegations of an ominous and potentially dangerous atmosphere of hostility and intolerance for campus Conservatives, free speech, and apparently now, Christianity, by the George Washington University chapter of the national College Democrats organization. Here’s an excerpt from the article:
“College conservatives say the excitement of a historic presidential election which could send the first black American to the White House has become clouded by an atmosphere of intimidation and hostility on campus.
“People on campus who say they’re the most tolerant, they simply do not walk the walk,” said Brand Kroeger, chairman of the George Washington University College Republicans and head of the D.C. Federation of College Republicans.
Mr. Kroeger said he has been flooded with calls from students who feel they cannot express their views in favor of Republicans for fear of being shouted down….
GW College Democrats President Cory Struble was accused of sanctioning harassment of Republican and conservative students with comments he made at the beginning of the semester WRGW Radio.
According to an audio file provided by Mr. Struble, he said, “We seek to marginalize them as much as possible. You remember YAF last year put an ad in the paper saying how marginalized they felt [at GW]. Well, this year we want to make sure that GW is an even more uncomfortable environment for Republicans and conservatives…”
Today’s story is breaking and developing. Here are the initial details as revealed to me by two confidential sources within the College Republicans. I have no official statement or comment yet from the organization.
The College Republicans were in possession of a number of crucifixes used in a University-sanctioned Right To Life display. When the display was taken down, they were stored in the College Repulicans’ side of their shared but divided office space with the College Democrats. When the last College Republican members left the offices this last Friday, January 23, the crucifixes were safely stored on their side of the suite.
This Monday afternoon, January 27, when the first College Republicans to re-enter the offices did so, they discovered some of the horrifically desecrated crucifixes, stolen from the private property confines of their storage containers, and proudly displayed on the College Democrats’ bulletin board, and other areas, including a bowl, laid out as if they were candy for any member of the public who visited the office to take home and enjoy. One crucifix featured the College Democrats’ version of Christ: a large penis with an actual condom pulled over the top, in lieu of His crown of thorns.
dsc00388.JPGApparently, GW College Democrats feel Jesus is someone who needs to be conquered, and his suffering on the cross is to be laughed at. The top caption is “Pwned”, internet slang for “owned” or “defeated”. At his crucified feet is LOL - internet slang for “Laugh Out Loud”
More were discovered and retrieved on Tuesday.
Shockingly, according to the College Democrats’ work schedule, Executive Board members of the organization were on duty in the offices before the College Republicans’ arrival. It would appear that the Executive Board members either perpetrated the hate crime, or did nothing to stop it, including at least removing the assaulted sacred symbols, even if the crime had been perpetrated by junior members of the organization without their knowledge.
The crucifixes have been retrieved and delicately handled in order to preserve their evidentiary integrity for investigation by the appropriate authorities.
“The College Democrats, for whatever reason have been unable to contain themselves this year…earlier in the year they spoke of wanting to wipe conservatism from the campus, later defaced posters of Ronald Reagan and George W Bush and now frequently fail to show courtesy to the organization in the wake of the election. Their latest move is by far the most egregious and outrageous offense. While we doubt these acts were perpetrated by the College Democrats executive board themselves, it was left on their wall for over an entire day, where on average, there anywhere between 3 to 5 College Democrat officers in the office throughout the day…I believe it was put up on the wall and showed off.”
- College Republican source, identity withheld for his protection pending investigation
I have the fullest confidence that the university administration, university police and any law enforcement agencies with jurisidiction, who clearly must become involved, will guarantee the fair and equal application of all relevant laws of theft, vandalism and hate crime, treating the assault on these religious objects precisely as they would if they were Korans, Menorahs, etc.
The Hate Crimes Sentencing Enhancement Act
Originally introduced as separate legislation by Rep. Charles Schumer (D-NY) and Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), this measure was enacted into law as Section 280003 of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994. The provision directed the United States Sentencing Commission to provide a sentencing enhancement of “not less than 3 offense levels for offenses that the finder of fact at trial determines beyond a reasonable doubt are hate crimes.” The provision defined a hate crime as “a crime in which the defendant intentionally selects a victim, or in the case of a property crime, the property that is the object of the crime, because of the actual or perceived race, color, religion, national origin, ethnicity, gender, disability, or sexual orientation of any person.”
The Hate Crime Statistics Act (28 U.S.C. 534)
Enacted in 1990, the HCSA requires the Justice Department to acquire data on crimes which “manifest prejudice based on race, religion, sexual orientation, or ethnicity” from law enforcement agencies across the country and to publish an annual summary of the findings.
Police officials have come to appreciate the law enforcement and community benefits of tracking hate crime and responding to it in a priority fashion.
1 comment:
The inverted cross??? The message is loud and clear.
The damned intolerant left shows itself again.
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