Muslim Males’ Treatment of Women and Children: Part I
Authors Admission and Admonition: Though originally intended as a digest of show content and analysis of articles unable to be covered during the show, this simple opus has evolved. Beyond summary and analysis, the simple acknowledgement of these facts, and reflection on numerous Islamist attacks left the author aghast. That such separate events, driven by admittedly similar motivations, could be the singular acts of misguided individuals cannot be upheld as a rational argument. Confronted by a continuing onslaught of a religious-political construct which proudly craves death more than life, we infidel in Dar al Harb, might yet perish under the scourge of Islamofacism. That we fight for our very existence must not be lost.
A cultural, ideological, and religious jurisprudence perpetuates the Islamist abuse of women and children. In an interview with Radio Free Dar al Harb (RFDAH), Cassandra, author of Escape! From An Arab Marriage, discussed supporting evidence that documents the suffering of women and children under the Islamist doctrine, why women should avoid such relationships, and how to protect themselves once they are in one. Due to time restrictions, the participants addressed only a portion of this global scourge. The following will summarize Cassandra’s main conclusions from the interview, identify areas she will address in future interviews with RFDAH, and outline RFDAH’s analysis of current events related to this issue. Hear the entire Cassandra interview at :
RFDAH Show Log: Cassandra, Author of Escape! From An Arab Marriage
A survivor of one such nefarious scheme, Cassandra has dedicated her life to creating awareness about relationships with Arab/Islamists, especially Saudis. Though the motivation for initiating her work, Cassandra does not solely rely on her own story, and through extensive research, has identified a disturbing trend of Arab Islamists arriving in the West for the sole purpose of taking a Western bride to acquire citizenship and produce more Muslims. In case after documented case, Arab Islamists charm unsuspecting women into marriage and then reveal their true colors. The pattern is roughly as follows, a 12 step process of suffering:
- Arab Islamist arrives in the West on a student visa.
- He identifies a female citizen to charm into marriage, preferably one with pre-existing submissive tendencies.
- Convince the female that Arab Muslim patterns are just stereotypes-either through persuasive argument or orchestrated visit to his family.
- Marry, apply for citizenship, and produce children, preferably males.
- Upon children, in utero or otherwise, persuade or intimidate wife and children to visit the Muslim Arab’s home country.
- Upon arrival in Muslim Arab’s home country, wife and children are subjected to Islamic Jurisprudence and culture which in effect, leaves her life, and the life of her children, at the husband’s discretion which includes unquestioned power of life and death over them.
- Wife will endure any of the following: limited and/or complete restrictions of basic freedoms and rights, mental, sexual, and physical abuse, be one of several of her husband’s wives, the loss of her children, and possible death.
- Children will endure any of following: limited and/or complete restrictions of basic freedoms and rights; mental, sexual, and physical abuse; forced conversation to Islam; forced education focused on the Islamist agenda; arranged marriages of girls from age 9+ for a price; and possible death.
- The US embassy will not assist the wife in winning custody of her children due to either “special relationships” between the countries, and/or the children are now considered citizens of their new country. Nor will the State Department help American women and children escape the country.
- Winning back her children will cost more than a house with only slim chance of success.
- Even if the wife and children never travel overseas, the husband may still kidnap them and take them to his native home. Before disappearing, the husband will take all jointly owned financial assets.
- Those women and children able to escape will most likely need to change names, relocate, live in fear, and require years of therapy.
Cassandra’s recommendations for women are as follows:
- Do not get involved in a relationship with a Muslim Arab, especially a Saudi.
- If you are in one, end it no matter what he says. Put your survival first.
- Do not travel abroad with him, especially to the Middle East.
- Do not get pregnant.
- If you are pregnant, terminate, do not tell him, break ties, and move away.
- If you give birth, do not put the father’s name on the birth certificate so he does not have legal claim to the baby.
- If you are already married and have children, and especially if you suspect something: before beginning divorce proceedings, end all joint accounts and get individual ones; keep your children’s birth certificates with a relative or other safe place; never travel abroad; never leave the children alone with the husband; remarry and have your new husband adopt children; give the children the new husband’s name.
Though some of these recommendations may seem quite harsh, they are the lessons learned from Cassandra’s analysis of numerous case studies and custody cases. Her recommendations were not easily arrived at and reflect no sense of fulfillment other than to allow women to benefit from the pain and suffering so many others endure. More of Cassandra’s recommendations can be found in her book Escape! From An Arab Marriage: Horror Stories of Women Who Fled From Abusive Muslim Husbands.
An Abominable Conflagration
Beyond the demonstrated pattern to con western women into marriage and the harsh measures necessary to protect against it, Cassandra illuminates the troubling ideological, cultural, and Islamic jurisprudence that generated and sustains this behavior. An Islamist ideology, hyper-masculine culture, and Shariah law form the primary components of an evil that perpetuates the abuse of women and children throughout the world. During the RFDAH interview, and through her written documentation, Cassandra cited numerous Islamist teachings that promote the inferiority and abuse of women and girls, a hyper-masculine culture that grants males immunity for their actions with females the most common scape-goats, and a cannon of Islamic jurisprudence that deprives women of equal civil and legal rights. In totality, this abominable conflagration manufactures the mental, physical, and sexual abuse of women and children, with such permissibility as to render banal even the most depraved act. To wit, the kind of individuals America would lock up and throw away the key, this system upholds as the cultural norm.
Even Cassandra’s most cursory outline of permissible behavior leaves those raised in a Western society in such shock as to trigger an immediate desire for denial. Therein, lies the principal problem for most Western women in a relationship with an Arab/Islamist. Westerners are loathe to accept the existence of such an anathema to our values, and therefore tend to accept even the weakest of excuses rather than acknowledge such a damning reality. As a Westerner, especially an American, acknowledgement requires action, and far too often, many choose denial to action. Herein, foreign invaders exploit a principal American attribute, the belief in the best of mankind, to wage war wielding womb as weapon.
Cassandra’s Next Work and Appearance
Through two upcoming works, Cassandra unflinchingly documents a litany of depravities unleashed by a culture facilitating all manner of male carnal predilections. From child brides to genital mutilation, Cassandra will document in unsparing detail these dark secrets kept cloaked by “special relationships” and a media bereft of sufficient courage to address.
In 33 Secrets Arab Men Never Tell American Women: A Dissection of How Muslims Treat Women and Infidels” and “Freedom or Servitude in America? What Muslim Terrorists Are Doing to Make Every Man, Woman, and Child a Slave of Allah and Islam, Cassandra will, if nothing else but through sheer volume of information, alert the reader to severity of the abuse and thereby beseech some measure of action from the otherwise indifferent. Cassandra will be signing her books during the Expo America New Title Showcase at the Los Angeles Convention Center in Los Angeles, CA on May 29 - June 1, 2008.
Her website is:
Cassandra will continue to address the abysmal depth of this issue in future RFDAH interviews. Listen to the voice of the voiceless at:
Down the Rabbit Hole
Not content to be confined to the Islamist domicile, this malignant cancer sends its tendrils to grip any and all manifestations of female freedom. In all manner of incarnation the Islamist wages and unrelenting assault manifest in honor killings, child brides, rape, Shaheed, and transformation of the very vessel of life into a perverse Islamist armament factory. The inability of Western society, particularly American, to rebuff this true culture of death reflects a society lulled into deep water that merely abides the time before its eventual drowning by commenting on the calming nature of the swells that will surely submerge and snuff out its life. In order to stem this particular current, the US government must revive the atrophied muscles of its moral core and our academic institutions and women’s rights advocates must reprioritize life before polemics.
Yes, you were raped, but for the good of the family, I must kill you
The only facet of honor killings more repulsive than the act itself is the manner by which the media aids and abets this travesty. As if honor killings were not repulsive enough, a multi-cultural possessed media, readily serves as the willing dhimmi serf herald for its Islamist overlord. With an astounding dereliction of duty and staggering compromising of objective integrity, the recent publicized spate of honor killings in North America reveals a media in submissive repose. Media not only their failed to sufficiently report the facts but in some instances actually did the bidding of their Islamist masters by casting aspersions on all but the guilty parties. The Islamist-media collaboration to report findings the facts do no substantiate provides frightful testimony that the victors do indeed write history. Principal upon their efforts at altering history is their consistent denial that the Islamist culture promotes honor killings.
As with all taqqiya (institutionalized lying and deceit), they split hairs about the slit throats. Fortunately, several astute members of the anti-Islamist resistance bravely calls this double speak to account. Anti-CAIR Director, Andrew Whitehead describes the connection between three recent honor killings as “All three of these cases had in common a single faith, Islam; a brutal murder at the hands of a family member; and were committed against Muslim females.”
Beyond this abhorrent combination of religion and culture imposing its wrath upon a gender, the multi-cultural sycophants proselytize their gospel of relativism to further exacerbate the tragedy visited upon young women attempting to live life in any period other than 7th century Arabia. Unfortunately, Aqsa Parvez is just one of many victims, in a Canada “where multiculturalism through adherence of backward cultures and religious beliefs come before women’s and children’s rights” and the refusal to end this acquiescence and confront these barbarous practices facilitates “cultural ghettoes [that] have become an ideal haven to crush any desire in women to be free.”
Regarding the Aqsa Pervez honor killing, the media’s infatuation with multi-culturalism not only dishonors the victim by masking the true nature of the crime, but aids and abets the obvious taqqiya of Muslim “civil rights” organizations. That CAIR-Canada felt comfortable characterizing an honor killing as “a problem that cuts Canadian society,” demonstrates their masterful exploitation of multi-culturalism, and a complicit media, to lump an honor killing unique to a singular population into the macro domestic violence statistics of a pre-existing populace with no history of such slaughter. CAIR-Canada has good reason to trust a sympathetic media to do its bidding as the Toronto Star published a story that “accuses a supposedly racist Canadian society for being equally responsible for the cultural ‘tension’ in Muslim families concerning the issue of head coverings.” CAIR-Canada’s efforts go beyond spinning a story and demonstrate the taqqiya of an organization that answers to Saudi interests. It strains credulity that an organization supportive of Wahhabist Islam would renounce the Islamic jurisprudence and culture that holds women as inferior and permits domestic abuse. Would CAIR-Canada specifically renounce:
- Egyptian Mufti Ali Gum’a’s comments on adulterers: “I favor killing them.”
- Iran’s ruling that “the testimony of two women equates with that of one man” and that “the blood money paid to the family of a female crime victim is half the sum paid for a man.”
- Sheikh Ahmad Al-Tayyeb, president of Cairo’s distinguished Islamic learning center Al-Azhar University, who “described the proper method of wife-beating” as “Its not really like beating…its more like punching.”
Was CAIR Canada the first and foremost to protest:
- The Saudi punishment of a gang rape victim with 200 lashes and six months in prison?
- The Iranian death sentence for a would-be rape victim who successfully defended herself by fatally stabbing one of her three attackers?
- The Jordanian Supreme Criminal Appeal Court’s decision to reduce the 15 year sentence of a brother who strangled his sister to death?
Perhaps their, and their ilk’s, conspicuous silence and prominent obfuscation stems from their agreement with Saudi cleric, Abd Al-Aziz Al-Fawzan’s statements that the “twisted nature of women stems from their very creation”?
The same malignant pattern of barbaric honor killing and denial repeated itself a few short months later in Dallas, Texas with the murder of Sarah and Amina Yasir Said by there father. Though the great-aunt of these young victims describes their deaths as honor killings, the Imams speaking at their funeral refused to acknowledge, confront, and decry this issue.
Islamist 5th column groups and their dhimmi media mouthpieces cannot wield enough ink to obscure the blood spilt from honor killings. While honor killings represent an easily identifiable manifestation of Islamist views on women and children, they are the low hanging and rotted fruit on this tree of Muslim butchery.
Who doesn’t want their 6th grade daughter to be one of a 50 year old man’s wives?
One of the principals of Islamist religious foundations is that Mohammed, as Allah’s prophet, was the penultimate example of man. If Mohammed is their model, then it stands to reason that they support and hold polygamy and pedophilia as acceptable. Mohammed had many wives, of which, Aisha was his favorite. A true gentleman, Mohammed, in his 50’s, married her when she was 6, but waited a full three years to consummate the marriage. Just one example of the continuation of this practice in western Islamsist colonies comes from Londonistan. The author of a British select committee report, Dr. Nazia Khanum, concludes that approximately 3000 forced marriages in Luton alone is the “tip of the iceberg.” Given that an area dominated by Islamists widely supports forced marriages, it stands to follow that, as adherent Islamists, they abide by Mohammed’s depraved example which they use as an excuse to continue forced marriages involving children.
Bleeding and Breeding: Rape, Shaheed, and Demographics as a Weapons
Honoring a format developed 1400 years ago by Mohammed and the “Rightly Guided Ones,” modern Islamists use rape and demographics to overwhelm indigenous resistance as well as currently convincing women their only salvation is through either raising martyrs or martyring themselves.
Dated Rape
Islamist expansion has a long and documented history of rape. Though generally referred to as concubines or slaves, these have been the magnanimous occupations Islamists have afforded female captives they would have otherwise killed. The terror for women facing life under Islamist aggression was such that Hindu women would rather burn to death. Accordingly, Hindu women adopted the practice of throwing themselves on their husband’s funeral pyre rather than endure a lifetime as a servant of Muslim warlords. Rape though not unique to war, is unique in the manner Islamists continue its use as a weapon to create more Muslims and terrify enemies. No stronger modern example can be found than Sudan’s Islamist regime for which rape and the AK-47 are used with equal application.
Boy Bombs, Destructive Moms, and the Womb as Weapon
That mothers gleefully anticipate, and a people celebrates, a son’s murder-suicide demonstrates the culture of death the West has failed to appreciate. This is particularly troubling given the wide spread financial compensation provided to families in exchange for the use of their boy as bomb. In case eternal salvation wasn’t enough, parents can now earn cold hard cash for their child’s life.
That a women’s religious and societal standing is so inferior that the euphemism of martyrdom provides certain enhancement of her eternal value demonstrates a system that perpetuates a warped sense of self-worth and values. MEMRI wonderfully documents one such women’s internet support forum full of desires to: “hope to turn my body into slivers to tear the sons of Zion to pieces, and knock with their skulls on the Gates of Paradise.”
Fallaci identifies the disturbing Islamist ideas that compel women to have children for the sole purpose that they might martyr themselves. That Islam is the driving force behind this perversion is evidence when Fallaci recounts an interview with Aisha, an Italian convert, wife to Abdul Qadir Etcetera (an Al Qaeda official deported back to Senegal), and leader of a the monthly Al Mujahida, the Female Fighters who “constantly implored Allah to produce millions and millions martyrs.”
In that same interview, Aisha also expounds on the weapon of the womb, and how through sheer demographics Islamists plan to achieve their goals:
“One day Rome will be a domain, the domain of Islam. In a sense, by the way, it already is. There are so many Muslims, there. So many. Besides, we are everywhere. Thousands and thousands, millions. But you shouldn’t be frightened. This doesn’t mean we want to conquer you with armies, with weapons. We don’t need it, I repeat. In the end, we don’t need your conversions either. Because whereas you are halved, you are in zero growth. On the contrary, we are as fertile as a soil well manured. At each generation we grow. Day by day we double, and more than double.”
Rape, explosives, and demographics are all methods by which Islamists continue to turn women from a giver of life into an arms factory.
Fighting the Good Fight
In order for the West to engage this front of the broader dhimmi resistance campaign, government policy must begin supporting our citizens who are trapped in Islamist marriages abroad, afford due inclusion of Islamist history and practices among women’s studies programs, and recruit women’s rights advocates as allies in this struggle.
Uncle Sam, Roll Up Your Sleeves!
As Cassandra aptly documents, the US government routinely ignores the plight of US women and children suffering in relationships in countries with which it has a “special relationship.” While refusing assistance to its citizens, the US readily grants student visas to the males of these “special” countries. Accordingly, the US should resurrect some semblance of moral fortitude and common sense and deny visas to all countries that harbor abducted US children.
Spotlight Dark Areas
David Horowitz and Robert Spencer identify that US academic institutions are woefully deficient in their examination of Islamist abuse of women and children. As such, they offer a challenge and solid recommendations to correct this academic omission.
Rosie the Riveter Where are You?
Women’s rights groups in the US remain conspicuously silent on the abuse women and children suffer under Islamist aggression. One of the most awesome forces on earth is the American woman, and she, and her organized support groups could be a force more powerful if they would actively engage this issue instead of issuing polemics.
The continuing failure to address the domestic and foreign Islamist abuses of women and children only further emboldens the Islamist aggressors who would yet have the US yield under its boot. After all, if they can do this to US women and children, what is to stop them from imposing their will on men too. Never mind, they already have. As Bridgette Gabriel correctly asserted in an interview on Atlas on Air, talk without action amounts to nothing, and its time for Americans to start walking tall. Our first step in defending US women and children from Islamist aggression will truly be a giant stride forward in the survival of this grand experiment in democracy.
Every time you listen, a Jihadi cries. Put the hurt on at: