We are back where we started with the Islamic Saudi Academy.
The Saudis have dropped their plan to develop the Popes Head Rd. site. The poor state of the economy, increased federal scrutiny of cash transfers from “middle eastern sources” to ISA, skittishness of any commercial lenders to become involved with the ISA extremists and the overall “plum, mad-dog mean” persistence of our opposition halted the radical school’s expansion.
They have feverishly been contacting private schools throughout Northern Virginia and offering huge amounts of cash for already-established schools. Now they are backed into a corner – none of the schools are apparently willing to sell. (Many schools which have been approached contacted VAST and gave us some details of the ISA offers.)
Now, we have the opportunity to make this radical, anti-American, anti-Semitic, anti-Christian (to name just a few) bunch homeless. The Board of Supervisors will vote on Oct. 19 on whether or not to renew the lease of the current ISA on Route 1 in South Alexandria. If the Supervisors vote not to renew the lease then the ISA will have to find some new dark corner from which to peddle hate-based violence as it attempts to create a generation of home-grown terrorists. We need to send them packing and we can do that with this single vote.
It is important for a host of reasons but it is most important because it demonstrates that they can’t continue to buy crooked politicians and deceive the gullible into enabling the growth of domestic jihad. It must stop in Virginia and it must stop now.
Please use the attached flyer in your church, synagogue or wherever to help us building the same attendance we had the last time we fought this. This can become the first and most decisive knockout punch to the domestic jihad.
A victory over domestic jihad here in Virginia will energize and mobilize our allies in Tennessee, California, Texas, Minnesota, Florida and elsewhere to continue the struggle against hate-based violence.
All of the Saudi money and oil-based power buys a lot but it doesn’t buy the American people.
Remember the words of that great American Josey Wales:
“Now remember, things look bad and it looks like you’re not gonna make it then you gotta get mean. I mean plum, mad-dog mean… ‘Cause if you lose your head and you live up then you neither live nor win. That’s just the way it is.”
You Hold the Power to Stop Hate-based Extremism
1. Register to testify
2. Call your supervisor.
3. Come to the hearing on October 19 and be heard.
The Gathering Storm
8 years ago
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